![]() This morning and my New Year began with 'Morning Pages' reading about them on a couple of websites and watching this video from Julia Cameron auther of The Artists Way. I hope that it will become a habit, we'll have to see and I'll give it a go. Another habit I would like to cultivte is Artist Dates. That one might be harder to achieve regularly but it is my 'intention', (intentions are less rigid and less scary than Resolutions!) to try. This lovely picture right is on the page to go with the introduction. I thought it was a flight pf pelicans but seemingly it's called 'large crane'. The Artist Date is a once-weekly, festive, solo expedition to explore something that interests you. The Artist Date need not be overtly “artistic” — think mischief more than mastery. Sounds fun don't you think? I plan to build it in to cycling to a destination when I can.
2/1/2017 08:45:34
How funny! I've just finished The Artist's Way and yesterday was talking about getting my bike mended so I can ride it again (not as lovely as yours though!) I surprised myself with The Artist's Way by actually doing morning pages every day (except two) for the 12 weeks and by completing most of the tasks. I proved quite resistant to actual artist dates though. I'm starting again today, to do the tasks I missed and to actually do the artist dates this time. I can't wait to hear how you get on too. Happy bicycling! PS: I think this is what Ms Cameron would call synchronicity...
2/1/2017 10:24:14
Happy writing and happy cycling in 2017. My bikes all have name Emma the Dutch heavy duty market bike. Ellie the veteran who waits at the station and hopefully never gets stolen and Annie the beauty specially made for me by my OH that gets too few outings because I fear she might attract thieves.
Jane Gibson
2/1/2017 11:59:40
Hi Kate, this all sounds brilliant and if you need a companion (human) also electrically assisted then please let me know. It would be fun. I also have a basket (bit squashed) and panniers.
2/1/2017 13:28:05
What a lovely positive blog post, and so looking forced to your adventures with the bike. What a beast she looks! Should give you a good workout if you can resist electrifying her. Amazing how many people start the New Year in a positive frame of mind, determined not to repeat the mistakes, stresses and downfalls of the previous year. To set goals,make changes. So many fall y the aside within the first month,myself included, which is why I don't do any of that any more as it's just added stress, and the one thing I am determined about is not to overthink, not to get stressed about things over which I have no control. As I said on FB the other day, I've had to make harsh decisions but it's all in the name of self preservation , and I had the first Chirstmas in many a year -too many to think about - when there were no tears shed, no sadness. Partly due to becoming Buddhist maybe,an inner calm I didn't have previously, but also sheer determination. It to let my life be blighted anymore by certain people who engender certain negativity in my life. Not any more they won't.
2/1/2017 14:05:33
Ha! You've looked at the draft for my next journal entry at the end of the week! I'm also working this same book, along with a couple of others, having let my copy languish for a couple of years. No bike here though, and no resolutions either {I also do intentions} other than the one that involves purposeful resolution to replace pen caps and retract ballpoints! Really getting much out of the Morning Pages already, but don't want to say too much as I'm journaling about them for later. It will be interesting to compare notes as the brave new brand new year progresses!
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Author - Me!
I am a ‘Creative’ - designer/maker/teacher/writer. Vintage sewing notions accumulator; Textile artist & painted lampshades maker. A reader, writer, dreamer, dog walking tea drinker. Categories
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