Day 5 of #savouringjanuary2017 with @gabrielletreanor *Gentle *
.. I've had quite a gentle day today. Still on 'holiday' from work. I started with Morning Pages, and a new exercise I've invented for myself, 'Writing Pages'. A single page of fiction from a prompt. The prompt is derived from any book lying around. Use the date eg 5 as the page number and take the first line. Then write whatever comes to mind that follows on from that line. It was fun, so I will definitely do more of that. I’m really enjoying writing. Then, several cups of tea and a piece of Christmas cake in front of the fire, when a friend came to visit. A wonderfully, inspirational chat. Following a short dog walk, I went for a gentle bike ride and took this picture, Crinan (home) is to the left, Duntrune Castle to the right, with Jura straight ahead. Given the amount of weather that can bellow it's way across this stretch, it was a gentle day, cold but quite still. Home then to sit in front of the fire, websites to read, DreamPlanDo book to look at, and an episode of Father Brown to watch. A gentle murder!
![]() This morning and my New Year began with 'Morning Pages' reading about them on a couple of websites and watching this video from Julia Cameron auther of The Artists Way. I hope that it will become a habit, we'll have to see and I'll give it a go. Another habit I would like to cultivte is Artist Dates. That one might be harder to achieve regularly but it is my 'intention', (intentions are less rigid and less scary than Resolutions!) to try. This lovely picture right is on the page to go with the introduction. I thought it was a flight pf pelicans but seemingly it's called 'large crane'. The Artist Date is a once-weekly, festive, solo expedition to explore something that interests you. The Artist Date need not be overtly “artistic” — think mischief more than mastery. Sounds fun don't you think? I plan to build it in to cycling to a destination when I can.
Author - Me!
I am a ‘Creative’ - designer/maker/teacher/writer. Vintage sewing notions accumulator; Textile artist & painted lampshades maker. A reader, writer, dreamer, dog walking tea drinker. Categories
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